Hopes and wishes

February 10, 2010

I have my own little take on new years resolutions.  That is I don’t make them.  I can’t remember who I heard say it, but ‘it’ was: “Don’t make resolutions, just make changes”.  Sometimes I am successful in this, othertimes not, and sometimes they end up being mere (and subsequently broken) resolutions despite my antithesis!

So, on to my original point, the changes that I have made since last year when I was regularly blogging.  I have successfully managed to commit time to playing my clarinet and sax, and the lessons have become a weekly bit of time out which I really look forward to.  I can switch off from work/other work/study stresses and have a whole hour just thinking about music without anything encroaching or feeling that I ought to be doing a million other things.

One change I am trying to make a firmer fixture is getting into running regularly.  Had a good start a fortnight ago; I decided I would run every other day.  In that first week I did run 3 times and really enjoyed it.  Last week was a bit of a hiccup caused by the Monday Bug striking us down and to be honest the rest of the week got written off by the time I had returned to work on Thursday!  This week fell foul of my all too usual lack of organisation and planning and doing other things which pushed out running time, so I have not run at all.  Will begin again.  Onwards and upwards.

My biggest change though needs to be a mindset one rather than an actual.  I end up feeling guilty for doing stuff that I enjoy (like the music, or sitting and watching a film, or doing craft stuff, or getting into the big outdoors for a walk) which is crazy!  But it snares me all the time cos I feel like I OUGHT to be getting other stuff done.  By stuff I mean general crap like the chores, etc.  Mad.  It’s not like I am a dosser – I work 40+ hours a week, so I need to figure out how to enjoy my time off without guilt.

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